I enjoy being creative in my spare time as well as at work. I have designed a series of art prints and t-shirts on various sites such as Redbubble I TeePublic I society6. I These designs are offered on various products as diverse as shower curtains to rugs.

Arrested Development Poster

Poster created for entry into a walk-on contest for arrested development.

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Arrested Development Poster

Another Poster in the Arrested Development Series that I created

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Publishing & Screenwriting

I have been blessed to either write or collaborate on several projects.

Book Publishing & Screenwriting


This is the first book I published back in 2004. I come from a graphic design and print background and have always wanted to write. I originally designed this book to be a legacy, I could leave behind to my ancestors telling them a little about myself. What this book has become is a lot more. In the format of a great autobiography, legacy has become a source for great story's and wisdom. I have taken this opportunity to document the mistakes and lessons I have learned throughout life in the hope someone will benefit from them.

It is available at the following locations: Barnes & Noble - Paperback & Nook I iTunes I Amazon Paperback I Amazon Kindle Version I Google Books


My first screenplay was done as a part of Project Greenlight, a screenwriting competition put on by Miramax, HBO, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. I co-wrote another called "Once and For All" which was based on the events surrounding the Monkey Trials. I have had the pleasure of reviewing several other screenplays and enjoy being a part of this collaborative process. In addition to writing, I have been involved in almost every aspect of video production, thanks in large part to partners who have taken the time to teach and allow me to learn from them during the production process.


The Poop Sucker

The poop sucker is a product idea concepted and submitted for production consideration at

Inventions & Ideas

The Poop Sucker

Yes, I am a little bit wierd, but I come up with product ideas from time to time and try to image what they would look like. In most cases they are not realistic for me to pursue, but almost every time I think of something, someone else has as well and I see it on the market a few months later.

Ideas range from out of the box products like the poop sucker,a product idea concepted and submitted for production consideration at It is an evolution of the cordless handheld vacuum. Designed with a detachable extension that makes it easy to clean and unnecessary to bring inside while the main unit is charging. The concept is to provide a solution for picking up poop in your yard without having to bend down and scrape it out of the grass. Ideal for homes where fencing is in place to allow your dog to go freely in the yard on his own.

To other ideas such as a rechargeable hammer, simular to the small rechargable drills, they now exist as well. To simple products like rebranding the wrapper of paper to Dunder Mifflin during the hight of the office tv show.


R2D2 - Building a life size replica

A lifelong project trying build my own R2D2

R2D2 - Building a life size replica

This project started back in 2006 after seeing the idea on the cover of Make Magazine. Because I would not list hands-on prototyping as one of my gifts, this project has been a step outside of my normal comfort zone, but then again, that's exactly why I took it on.

To see online progress of this project you can visit My R2D2 Building Blog that was created in 2006 and I continue to update from time to time as progress is made.


I have built probable 10 or more websites in my career for various free lance or corporate jobs. The technology used to create them have changed a lot over the 20 years since I started with basic html and every couple of years I create a new site, like this one in 2018 to keep my skills up.

Medeco Website

Built and maintained site in a custom Episerver.

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Arrow Website

Built website with corporate custom version of Episerver.

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